Monday, January 12, 2009

A Collage Try

I've been accumulating books about collage, which has really been interesting me. So, today, after working, I went in my studio and flung paint around and had a great time. Now, I think the result is strictly amateur, but at least I gave it a try. I' m not giving up! In between my other projects, I am going to hone my collage skills. I think it's a great avenue for expression. In case you can't read the embossed letters, they say, 'into the night'.


Tess Kincaid said...

Wow! Great collage, nice colors. And thanks for stopping by Willow Manor. :)

Leslie Avon Miller said...

Deborah: What a gift to give yourself; the ability to play and experiment! I enjoy your portrait work, and look forward to seeing more collages.

Chantell Van Erbe said...


I've always had a soft spot in my heart for collage and seeing you experiment with the medium reignites that inspirational flame. There is something about collage that is so off the beaten path -different from all the other art genres. Keep it up! You have lots of personal style.

butterfly woman said...

Beautiful colors,teal color one of my favorites, beautiful texture. I basically am a watercolorist or was but now feel that collage brings out my more playful spirit. This is a very dreamy piece with its fiber strings all around. Didn't see the owl at first, now his glowing eyes are magnificant! A mysterious piece, would love to see more!I think using different mediums taps into different parts of us, all waiting to be expressed.