Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rethinking My Blog

Before I get to my point today, here is the finished portrait I've been working on. The shirt was a mindboggler. 
This was done on Ampersand Pastelbord, as are most of my paintings. I just hated to have that chip in the corner, but what can you do after the portrait is started? I'd love to get some feedback on this portrait.

So. I've been reading so many blogs and listening to what artists say in hopes of improving my work or my blog. I was so excited to find a blog about starting an art career for over 50 year old  artists ( Ancient Artist ), because I fit in that category. I have noticed there are a lot of us 
out there, especially women. From now on, I will direct my comments especially to that audience. 

I have almost every day free, but can't seem to get myself organized. Anyone out there with advice? I am not the Energizer bunny, that's for sure! My little studio looks like a tornado swept through it. I intend to organize it, but if I spend energy on painting or drawing, there's no energy left for the studio.

I'd love to hear from you about your schedule, studio, experience with galleries, etc.


Bella Sinclair said...

Oh, Deborah, this is absolutely marvelous! There so much character in this -- the angle, the expression, that SHIRT! Oh, that shirt! Yes, I can see how it took so much time. There's a lot of detail there, but it ended up beautifully! I bet this gentleman would fall flat on his back in awe if he saw this.

Mim said...

Deborah, What an amazing portrait. As for advice, I dedicate one day to organizing and cleaning and then I feel as if I can focus on art. Don't fel like you have to be doing all at once!

Tracy Helgeson said...

I think the portrait is beautiful too. You really caught his smirk! Maybe a frame to cover that chip?

I do what Michelle says, one day every once in awhile to cleaning. For my daily schedule I try to spend about the same amount of time at about the same time each day working in the studio. It used to be mornings but in the last year it has changed to afternoons.

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the suggestions, I guess my problem is that I'm too global, never thinking of the small stuff. I mean, priorities. OK. The truth is......I like drawing better than cleaning. :-)