Friday, July 25, 2008

Here is the same chair with different items on it. Not quite finished......


Susan Carlin said...

Ok, I'm a complete sucker for any painting with even a bit of checkerboard in it, so you had me there at "checks", but I do love this entire painting. I'd love to know about the enormous cherries...? Or is it a miniature chair? Love it!

Unknown said...

No! They're small tomatoes! I'd better revisit them. :-)

Barbara Pask said...

Nice painting and an interesting composition.

Bella Sinclair said...

What a wonderful chair series! These, I'm sure, look fabulous all next to each other. Are they all the same size?

I had to give a chuckle at the tomatoes. I confess, I thought they were giant cherries, too. But they were intriguing.

Susan Carlin said...

Color me embarrassed! Didn't even consider tomatoes...but of course they are! Don't touch a thing.