Saturday, March 21, 2009

Self Portrait, Almost Complete

My dad used to tell us, ' You can't get through the door unless you are smarter than the doorknob.'  Well, I don't want to spell it out for you, but I'll just say there is nothing wrong with my camera.
 Here is my progress today. Honestly, it looks so much better than this in real life.  


Teresa Mallen said...

You go girl...nothing like working towards a deadline! :-)

Just a word of caution about asking for feedback on a work that is being submitted for competitions...remember the the big commotion last year with the new regulations in the UK Society and the CPSA (regarding our work being solely our own)? Folks were very concerned that they wouldn't be able to enter pieces that had been works in progress on their blogs. The new rules required a new way of working. For example, now artists using the Scribbletalk forum put their wips from art that may be used in competitions in a no-critique thread.

When showing wips on my blog, on a piece that I hope to enter into shows, I ask readers to not comment. I think it is okay if they say they like it but I just don't want them to give me advice. Even if I don't follow through with their suggestions, their imput would be out there for all the world to see.

Best of luck this week. You will be busy but it will be rewarding!

Unknown said...

Teresa, You are absolutely right! Thanks, I forgot about that. I think I'm ok today, though, just asking about being in the zone. Whew! Yeah, you're right, and I think I'll go back and change some posts. Thanks again.

andrea said...

I wish I could see it in real life but I do love the fact that you're documenting it, step by step. I just read Teresa's comment and is that ever interesting!

Renee said...

Well I love what your Dad said.

Deborah I was shocked to hear part of your story. I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you.

You are beautiful and look how you paint.

Can I count you as a new friend? I would love too.

Love Renee xoxoxo